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Baopack Auto Packaging Machine Co., Ltd.

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Do You Know the Fault Analysis and Treatment of Automatic Powder Packaging Machine?

  • source: baopackauto;
  • Time: 2018-08-14
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baopackauto powder machine

Thepowder packing machineis the equipment to pack the powder items which are not easy to flow such asmilk powder packing machine and washing powder packing machine.在工作的过程中,步进电机bdivision technology is adopted, the temperature can be controlled intelligently, and the measuring screw is driven by the stepping motor. Which can accurately weigh the weight of the packaged goods, the precision of the bag packaging is very high, At the same time, it can automatically track and correct the errors caused by the change of material specific gravity and material position. It can be said that the current milk powder packaging machine is very automated and intelligent, it is capable of simply understanding a little knowledge of the machine can control such equipment.

It is also common acknowledge that occasionally break down for an automatic powder packing machine is reasonable especially after long operate working hours, hence it is necessary for the operator to have some learning of these failures, it helped can be better handled in the emergency failure, the following is the common malfunction of the automatic powder packing machine and the solution of the method.

1. The full automatic powder packing machine in the operation of the bag position has a large deviation, the gap between the color mark is too big, the color mark is located out of fault and the photoelectric tracking compensation is out of control. In this case, the position of the photoelectric switch can be readjusted first. If it does not work, it can clean the former device and insert the packing material into the film-guiding board and adjust it. The position of the film guiding board makes the light spot coincide with the middle of the color mark.

2. In the packaging process, the automatic powder packing machine of the film motor is as for getting stuck or not turned or is not controlled, it is also a common failure. First, check whether the film control rod is stuck, whether the starting capacitor is damaged, the safety pipe is out of the problem, and then change according to the inspection results.

3. The packaging sealing is not strict, this phenomenon will not only waste material but also because the material is powder, easy to spread, so will pollute all automatic powder packing machine equipment and workshop environment. In this case, it is necessary to check the packing container to meet the relevant regulations, remove the inferior packaging container, and then try to adjust the sealing pressure and increase the heat sealing temperature.

4. The full automatic powder packing machine does not pull the bag, pulls the bag motor does to work, causes this kind of fault would be no exception more than the line problem, pulling bag Proximity switch damage, the controller appears to malfunction, the step motor driver has the trouble, one by one check and replace.

5. In the process of operation, the packing container is broken by the automatic powder packing machine. Once this is the case, we should check the motor line, and check if the Proximity switch

In addition, we also have vegetables packing machine and sugar packing machine. Do you want to know about that? Please contact us!

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