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Baopack Auto Packaging Machine Co., Ltd.

We provide customers with various kinds of quality packing machine including rice packing machine and sugar packing machine with high-quality services.


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Vacuum packaging machines are favored by frozen food manufacturers

  • source: Willa He;
  • Time: 2021-03-18
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With the increasing popularity of frozen foods and the rapid growth in sales, vacuum packaging machines have become the first choice for frozen product manufacturers.

The vacuum packaging machine is simple to operate, can prevent natural moisture absorption and extend the shelf life, so it has become the choice of many food manufacturers. It is mostly suitable for frozen foods such as quick-frozen dumplings, quick-frozen meatballs, quick-frozen chicken wings and chicken legs.

The working process of the vacuum packaging machine is more complicated. It vacuumized the packaging bag and then seals it to form a vacuum in the bag, so that the frozen food can achieve oxygen isolation, preservation, moisture-proof, mildew-proof, rust-proof, and anti-corrosion. , Anti-insect, anti-pollution and other purposes, effectively extend the shelf life, preservation period, and facilitate storage and transportation. Frozen foods such as seafood, meat products, fruits and vegetables, frozen chunks, and soy products are mostly packaged in vacuum packaging machines.

The picture below is the product picture of BAOPACK's vacuum vertical packaging machine:



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