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Baopack Auto Packaging Machine Co., Ltd.

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Basic Ideas for China's Development of Packaging Industry

  • source: Willa He;
  • Time: 2021-01-28
  • 分享:

1. To strive to improve packaging quality and efficiency. China will vigorously develop the packaging machinery and material industry, increase the supply capacity of complete packaging equipment, and expand the supply of high-end packaging raw and auxiliary materials. Continuously improve production technology, reduce production costs, and strive to produce newer, more beautiful, more convenient, safer and more applicable packaging products.


2. To vigorously develop green packaging. China is actively promoting non-toxic, harmless, lightweight and thin-walled packaging products and production processes in accordance with the principles of reduction, degradability and recycling. Study and formulate laws and regulations prohibiting excessive packaging, do a good job in the recycling of packaging waste, and improve the safety factor for the consumption of packaged products.


3. To improve the technological content of packaging. China actively introduces international advanced packaging technology, and at the same time does a good job of digestion, absorption and re-innovation. Take a series of measures to encourage invention and creation, cultivate well-known brands, and protect intellectual property rights. Attach great importance to packaging design, and strive to cultivate a design team with active thinking, advanced awareness and creativity. Promote the diversification of packaging product styles, incorporate cultural connotations, enhance aesthetic appeal, and win the love and trust of consumers.


4. To improve the operating mechanism of the packaging industry. The packaging industry should take enterprises as the main body, market-oriented, and encourage multiple ownership enterprises to develop together and large and small enterprises to cooperate. The government must actively transform its functions, improve the investment environment, provide public services, and help companies solve practical problems. Establish a packaging industry base, give play to the effect of industrial agglomeration, and improve the overall level of the packaging industry.


5. To encourage cooperation between the Chinese and foreign packaging industries. China implements a mutually beneficial and win-win opening policy, and actively promotes Chinese and foreign packaging companies to expand investment and business cooperation. Support the construction of Asia Packaging Center. It is hoped that governments of various countries will continue to improve the development environment of the packaging industry and reduce trade frictions. Global packaging companies should work together to develop resource-saving and environment-friendly packaging products and production processes to make new contributions to the sustainable development of human society.

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