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Economical granule packaging machine

  • source: baopack auto;
  • Time: 2020-10-29
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The granule packaging machine can be divided into large packaging and small packaging. The granule packaging machine is suitable for quantitative packaging of rubber granule, plastic granule, fertilizer granule, feed granule, chemical granule, grain granule, building materials granule, and metal granule.

This picture shows the recent case of granule packaging machine for packing melon seeds:


Technical advantages:

1.The packaging weight of the granule packaging machine generally ranges from 20 grams to two kilograms. It is used to package various particulate materials. The machine has high efficiency and low energy consumption. More than 300 watts can be put into work and production normally, but the precision of the machinery is very high, and the space occupied is generally four thousand millimeters by one thousand millimeters. It occupies a small area, high site utilization, and low energy consumption.

2.The rolling of the particles is relatively large. Pay attention to the stability and transmission loss of the particles when conveying the belt. The belt conveyor occupies a small space. It is only three thousand millimeters long and only four hundred millimeters wide. With the flexibility of the belt, the transmission efficiency can be better guaranteed. At the same time, because of its low weight, it requires less energy consumption. Low energy consumption and high efficiency are the biggest characteristics of the pellet packaging machine. The accuracy of the granule packaging machine is 0.2, and the pressure is generally 0.4 to 0.6 atmospheric pressure.

This picture shows the E32II:


3.This is the basic situation of the pellet packaging machine, and we can use it to do a lot of practical work. To reduce a lot of work costs, polypropylene and polyethylene are the best packaging materials.

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